Soundbite & Internet2 Partnership

At Soundbite, we recognize the need for thoughtful cloud service evaluation and review to ensure we meet security, compliance, and technology requirements.

We believe the Internet2 Cloud Scorecard is a great way for institutions to efficiently address this challenge.

Community Evaluation Tool

The range of available cloud services can quickly overwhelm your institution’s current practices for assessment and procurement. There is still a need for thoughtful cloud service evaluation and review to ensure we meet security, compliance, and technology requirements. The Internet2 cloud community designed the Cloud Scorecard to efficiently address this challenge.

How the Cloud Scorecard Can Help

The scorecard is a self-assessment completed by the vendor using standards and best practices developed within the research and education community. Your institution can use the scorecard standards to benchmark or evaluate services against key criteria. This cloud scorecard will complement existing capabilities and efforts within the Internet2 NET+ program.

Cloud Scorecard and Directory Pilot

The Cloud Scorecard questionnaire, designed by higher education institutions, is now available for research and education institutions to use. Internet2 encourages you to evaluate how the Cloud Scorecard may assist in your service review and procurement process. If you have feedback on the questionnaire, please contact Internet2.

The Cloud Scorecard directory is available here in the pilot! You will find completed Cloud Scorecards available for your review. If you are not an InCommon Participant and new to Internet2’s Collaboration Platform, you will need to enroll and register an account.

Or, to request a copy of our Scorecard, contact us through our event registration page.

About Soundbite: is next-generation enterprise audio communications. We help you connect with employees everywhere by using secure Soundbites and Podcasts.

The possibilities for Soundbite are endless. With short-form audio and podcasting, you can realize new communications processes that are over 90% more efficient and engaging.


It is simple to create the perfect Soundbite, hit record, and go!


Soundbite Partner Program Preview