Use These Four Formats to Get Your Message Heard

When we create weekly Soundbite updates, we like to structure our messages based on a few different formats and measure with analytics for what works best and when.

Over the next couple of weeks, we'll be breaking down each of these with examples for you.

Here are some examples of what works well for presenting audio, video, & text for an inclusive experience.

Narrative format: This format involves telling a story or presenting information in a sequential, chronological order. You can use this format to present information about a particular topic or to provide an update on a specific project or event.

Q&A format: This format involves presenting information in the form of a question and answer session. You can use this format to address frequently asked questions or to provide more in-depth information on a specific topic.

List format: This format involves presenting information in the form of a list or bullet points. You can use this format to present a series of tips, highlights, or key points about a particular topic.

Interview format: This format involves interviewing one or more individuals and presenting conversing. You can use this format to provide insights or perspectives from different people on a particular topic. This is the most challenging format to keep short.

Ultimately, the best format for your 2-minute update will depend on the specific information you want to present and the audience you are targeting.


Use Case: Frontline Communications


Be Yourself: The Importance of Authentic Communication