From Intra-No to Inter-Yes: Optimizing Internal Communications in the Less Intranet Digital Era

Intranets have long been considered a one-size-fits-all solution, but it's time to challenge that belief. This blog post poses difficult questions about the time, effort, and cost required to implement and maintain an effective intranet system, and the risks involved. By unpacking these considerations, we aim to identify areas for optimization and innovation.

The Rising Cost of Intranets:

Implementing an intranet involves significant costs, not only financial but also in terms of time and human resources. There's the initial investment in the software and hardware, the on-going cost of maintenance, the frequent need for upgrades, and the training required for employees to use the system effectively. Beyond this, the constant adaptation and management required to ensure the intranet remains relevant and useful can be considerable. These costs add up and can quickly outweigh the return, particularly if the intranet fails to deliver on its promise of improved communication and collaboration.

Understanding Intranet Success and Failure:

According to various sources, up to 90% of intranet projects are considered failures within 36 months, with many not fully launching. These failures are often due to a range of factors including lack of employee engagement, poor user experience, outdated information, and inadequate search functionality. Clearly, the process of implementing and maintaining an intranet is fraught with challenges. But how can we better understand these challenges, and what can we do to overcome them?

Toward More Efficient Intranets:

The first step toward a more efficient intranet is recognizing that it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different organizations have different needs, and what works for one may not work for another. Moreover, we need to appreciate that the digital landscape is continually evolving and that intranets need to evolve with it. This means taking advantage of new technologies and approaches that can help streamline intranet management and improve user experience. This could involve implementing a more intuitive interface, improving search functionality, or integrating the intranet with other digital tools that employees regularly use.

Exploring Alternatives:

In addition to optimizing existing intranets, it's also worth considering alternatives. One such alternative is the hybrid model, which combines the strengths of traditional intranets with modern digital tools. For example, an organization might use its intranet as a repository for static information such as policies and procedures, while using a more flexible, dynamic tool like Soundbite for real-time communication and collaboration. This approach can help organizations leverage the best of both worlds, offering a more engaging, efficient, and user-friendly experience.

In today's digital landscape, it's crucial for organizations to critically evaluate the costs and benefits of their intranets. While intranets have their strengths, they also have significant challenges that can impact their effectiveness. By acknowledging these challenges, exploring alternatives, and striving for constant innovation, we can ensure that our intranets, and our internal communications more broadly, are fit for purpose and deliver real value to our organizations.


Rethinking Intranet Costs: The Rise of the Hybrid Model


The Intranet Struggle: Time for a Re-think?