Mastering Visual Communication in the Hybrid Work World - Embracing Our Inner TikTok

It's no secret we’re living through extraordinary times. Workplaces have gone through a chrysalis of sorts and emerged on the other side as this hybrid creature – part remote, part on-site, and entirely unprecedented. You know, sometimes I feel like I’m in a sci-fi movie and we're just waiting for Morgan Freeman to give us some profound voiceover about adapting to change.

But here’s the deal: we’re in it, and we have to make it work. One of the biggest conundrums we face in this brave new work world? Communication. Oh, that old chestnut! From Zoom fatigue to emails lost in the abyss, getting your message across is like navigating a ship through a storm - you're hoping to get through but there's a fair chance you'll end up talking to a volleyball named Wilson.

Enter stage right, visual communication. It's not just a shiny, new buzzword; it's a lifejacket in our metaphorical storm. With our attention spans dwindling faster than my motivation to hit the gym, the power of visuals has become a game-changer. And where better to take cues from than the master of short-form visuals itself – TikTok.

If you think TikTok is just for dance routines and lip-sync battles, think again, my friend. It's a phenomenal tool for communication, and here's why: it’s all about short, sharp, engaging content. It's quick, it's fun, and it gets the message across. It's a triple threat in a sea of monotone webinars and lengthy, text-heavy emails.

Here's a thought: why not bring a touch of that TikTok magic into our internal communications? Think about it - a 60-second explainer video, replete with graphics, emojis, and a catchy tune. Who wouldn't prefer that over a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation? It's like choosing between a chocolate chip cookie and stale bread.

Let’s dive into a case study – because, who doesn’t love a good story? Take the example of Mid America Specialty Services., a workplace services firm with employees scattered across time zones. They started incorporating TikTok-style short videos in their weekly updates. Quick rundowns of project statuses, policy changes, or even birthday shoutouts were shared in a fast-paced, visually appealing format. The result? Employee engagement shot through the roof, communication gaps shrank, and morale was higher than ever.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But we're not a tech company!" or "Our CEO is more 'wood-paneled office' than 'viral video'". But, TikTok-style doesn't mean you have to get your CFO to do the latest dance challenge. It's about harnessing the core principles of short, engaging, and visual content. Whether you're a school, a nonprofit, or a multinational corporation, these principles apply.

So, how can you put this into action? Well, start by simplifying. Not every message needs a 30-minute Zoom call. Could it be a 3-minute video instead? Next, make it engaging. Use graphics, use music, heck, use puppets if you think it'll help. Finally, keep it visual. Remember, a picture tells a thousand words, a video – well, that’s a whole library.

In essence, the key to mastering visual communication in the hybrid work world isn't so much about being the next TikTok sensation. It's about embracing the elements that make platforms like TikTok so successful – simplicity, engagement, and a darn good visual.

Let's drop the corporate jargon, cut the fluff, and communicate like humans. Who knows? We might just have some fun along the way.

So, next time you're about to send that long-winded email, ask yourself – "Could this be a TikTok style with Soundbite?" Your employees might just thank you for it.


Say it with a Video: Inclusivity and Engagement in Short-form Video Internal Communications


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