Say it with a Video: Inclusivity and Engagement in Short-form Video Internal Communications

Let's talk about a crucial aspect of modern internal communications - the rising star of short-form video. Now more than ever, it's playing a key role in promoting inclusivity and engagement in our increasingly diverse workplaces. And we're not just talking diversity in terms of culture and language - we're talking about different learning styles, varied work locations, and let's not forget, an influx of Gen Z talent.

But let's kick things off by asking - why short-form video?

Well, did you know that video is processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text? That's right, 60,000 times! Not to mention, video has the power to engage and entertain, making it the perfect medium for communicating in our fast-paced, attention-driven world.

What makes short-form video really shine is its inherent inclusivity. It transcends language barriers - a well-made video can tell a story without a single word spoken. It's perfect for visual learners who might struggle with text-heavy communications. Plus, it can be watched anytime, anywhere, making it ideal for remote teams or employees juggling different time zones.

Now, let's delve a little deeper into content. Short-form videos in internal communications need to reflect the diverse mix of people within the organization. That means giving a nod to different cultures, ages, genders, abilities, and experiences. The more your employees see themselves represented, the more they will feel seen, heard, and valued.

And let's not forget about our newestcolleagues, Gen Z. Set to make up a whopping 27% of the workforce in OECD countries by 2025, these digital natives have grown up with TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram Stories. Short-form videos are their jam. To connect with them, our communications need to be just as dynamic, engaging, and visually stimulating.

So, are you ready to embrace the power of short-form video? If you're wondering where to start, here are some tips:

  1. Embrace the visual: Replace lengthy emails and documents with concise, engaging videos that tell a story.

  2. Reflect diversity: Make sure your videos represent the rich tapestry of cultures, experiences, and voices within your organization.

  3. Encourage engagement: Use interactive elements, like polls or Q&As, to foster two-way dialogue.

  4. Never stop learning: The more you understand about the different cultures, languages, and experiences in your organization, the better your videos can engage.

Inclusivity and engagement are at the heart of any successful internal communications strategy. And as workplaces continue to evolve and diversify, short-form video could be just the tool you need to ensure every team member feels seen, heard, and valued. So, why not give it a shot? You might be surprised at the positive impact it can have.


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